Monday, October 24, 2011

A Difficult Forecast for the End of this Week

Just a quick note to share with y'all that the models are conflicting in their solutions for the end of this week.  As I mentioned over the weekend, there is a tremendous amount of heat and humidity that must be reckoned with as a sharp trough digs southeastward towards the Mid-Atlantic region.  First, here is how the Euro depicts the surface map and winds at a mile up for Friday morning.  This would be one cold, raw rainy day for our immediate area and snow in the mountains of PA and points northeast.
Now here is the GFS for the same period.  This shows a much more sheared out storm with a trough, but a much flatter solution than the Euro.  The GFS ensembles are even drier looking than this operational run. 
So which is correct??  I believe the ultimate solution lies closer with the Euro with a rainy and raw solution.  And 2-3 days later, another storm spins up on the Euro as shown below!  Both the GFS and the Euro agree on cold to rule the later part of this week through the weekend!
One thing for sure is that it will be the week's end and how can that be a bad thing?!?!  You wascally wabbits!

AA:  Looking at a tough forecast for the end of this week.  It will be cold from Thursday on and getting colder through the weekend!

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