And for those of you who prefer a climatological graphic to depict our wet time...well, here you go! Note the wet summer (numerous thunderstorms during July and August) and the recent record cold around Veteran's Day earlier this month...
I believe the next week will be cool, but not bitter cold for this time of year. Here is a graphic of the temperature anomaly for the next 7 days as per the Euro...clearly favoring colder than normal here in the east. I will mention, however, that the modeling has been struggling with consistency this past week with numerous mixed signals from the planet's oceans...
That cold conveyor from BC will certainly maintain its characteristic cold as all of O Canada is currently snow and ice covered and likely will be until spring unless a strong Canadian chinook kicks in for the plains of Alberta. Note the extensive snow and ice cover across our neighbors to the north.
Alright, with the reference to Alberta, my song choice is very easy. Enjoy this toe-tapper from one of my favorite Canuck Crooners...
And absolutely enjoy your day of thanks...and an oven warming the kitchen will be welcome as the daytime max might stay south of 40°F! I'm out...
AA: Cool/Cold and dry next 10 days or so. Maybe no measureable precip until 1st weekend of December...if even by then?