Friday, September 4, 2015

Endless Summer then Brief Pattern Change

Well, the 1st week of school did not disappoint. The heat and humidity refused to acquiesce for the entire week, although many numerical models for Friday scoffed at 90+! In fact, my wife's astute observations of weather noted that KMDT was the hottest in PA this Friday afternoon. Take a look ...
Another blast from the furnace then slapped me when I entered the oven known as my Subaru. When I opened the vehicle which was sitting on the blacktop paved surface all afternoon to head for the land of milk and honey; wow, more heat!   Prior to my commute home, I struck up adult conversation. Always love to shoot the breeze with my beloved brethren! Otherwise I seldom see them ... many topics were discussed; MLB, HVAC, NFL, nutritional ketosis ... just to name a few ... it helped to air out the car ... but to no avail! It was hot and seemingly getting hotter! Building towering cumulus all around, but not a drop here at our humble abode. Crispy and wilted would be some descriptive adjectives to describe our property's vegetation ... fairly typical for early fall; after this wet spring and early summer, kind of ironic! Here is a look at the last 7 days of precipitation ... New England and our area of ​​PA have had 0 precip!

After what should be a nice weekend in terms of both heat and slightly lower humidity, the heat and humidity and the endless summer will return in spades as schools reopen next week. The map below shows the temp anomalies for the next 5 days ...
... Thanks to a heat pump in the mid-levels of the atmosphere. Note the isobars from Mexico to Quebec ... and all of the heat and humidity along the way conveyor with it!

But by the end of next week, the pattern will change as a strong jet disturbance digs into the northern plains and likely ushers in an air mass change on / about Friday. In addition, I believe the jet stream disturbance to be a "winter-like" event where one goes up strong into the lakes, through the lakes and a secondary storm spins up along the coastal plain. The Euro kinda hints at that. The map below is valid for early next weekend and shows a near "phase" of the 500 mb jet. Take a look ...
And here is the depiction surface; note the weak L over Baltimore ... likely to verify since I'll be supporting our faltering Orioles next weekend vs the best team in MLB! Oh well ...

And with this trough comes an air mass change;  but still above average for us ...yet much cooler in the plains.

OK ... off to bed. It was a good week! I teach, I listen, I communicate with colleagues and friends, I exercised in a slightly different manner, changed my diet ever so discretely, ... (for the better) ..., and I listened to (believe it or not) even more KA music. So I will leave you with a tune that frankly I'm wishing for as to give our little crispy portion of the earth some relief. Sorry Timmy, but we now need some liquid sunshine; It has been too dry...

And chances are it will rain in Baltimore since we are there next weekend for seemingly meaningless AL games. I was hoping these were previews of the ALCS just like last year ... oh well ...

I hope everyone enjoys their labors this Labor Day weekend. If I were younger, I would have inserted Rush's "Working Man" here; google it if you are so inclined!  An excellent rock and roll tune!  Here, stop, ...I will help...copy and paste...worth your 8 minutes!

Enjoy the "Kick-off" to fall y'all...


AA:  Not totallty feeling it tonight.  Looking forward to true am duty....and the discussions that accompany.  Think Thursday to Saturday next week COULD be wet!  Keeps you hoping into the month of October!  But not my Os or your Sox...