Friday, January 18, 2019

Boom/Bust Potential

My song choice is easy tonight...We're Living on the Edge!  As this storm has evolved numerically this past week, we here in south central PA have gone from 2'+ of wind swept powder to 1" slop with mostly a raw rain...the truth likely lies somewhere in between. 

As like last evening, very few maps.  But one I'd like to dive into...The Race is On...uh, oh, another song reference!  Sorry, I digress...
If the arctic high ridges faster and further east than the surface low and upper air support; game on for a heavy snowfall.  If, however, the southern low begins to phase with the cold baroclinicity diving from the north country and tries to attack & warm the digging arctic air mass fruitlessly, ice will be the call.  Mathematically, I'm sure these software programmers are all over the thermodynamics; there is no question in my mind!  Stochastically, a push here and a pull there is all that is needed for a boom/bust forecast!  We are literally in the battle zone for precip types!  The front thump will be the snow accumulation; sleet and freezing rain will rule the remainder of the fast moving disturbance. 

And as mentioned before, clear the slop; otherwise plan on being a brick layer/mover/melter...If we get 4" of snow/ice, I truly believe we will see sub zero temps both Monday and Tuesday am...

Fun stuff!  Go Rams and Chiefs!
I'm the way...went with my 2nd song reference...


AA:  Gut call Timmy; you'll have 2-4" more accumulation of "stuff" than Kay and I!  My field mower wants to do it when the ground is frozen this year...imagine that!

1 comment:

  1. I’m worried about the ice. As for the field, yes, that may be the only way. I have a similar property that was swamped.
