Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Green or Blue Christmas; NOT White!

As I sit here this winter solstice evening and opine about my thoughts on the upcoming couple of weeks worth of weather, I feel very confident that the KMDT will have a brown/blue/green Christmas as there will be both a lack of precip and moderating temps over the next 5 days.  Take a look at the 850 mb temps for the next 5 days vs west/warm east.
And in terms of where the snow cover currently is located...well...take a of this lovely winter solstice morn...(By the way, I hope y'all scoped not only the glorious sunrise, but also the awe inspiring sunset today!)
But much of this snowpack will retreat north as the above normal temps work their way east into our portion of the continent.  Any and all ice/snow including piles will be bye-bye by Christmas Day post.  So, with that said, I'll have a Blue Christmas or a Green Christmas in these parts.  But for you  lovers of winter, fret not as I believe the Arctic will once again unleash her wrath...but not until the latter parts of Jan into Feb...I do believe that even though we are in the throes of winter, the weather will be rather benign for the next 2-3 weeks...AT LEAST.  This will encourage the AGW crowd...grrrr....Temps vs norms for week ending Jan 6...Keep the Heat at 60 Ronnie!  Shorts and T-shirt wx!
So, I've had numerous people tell me that they actually like the tunes more than the wx info in these brief weather snippets that I so much enjoy to I am leaving y'all with 2...first a Blue Christmas from one of my new favorite groups, The Lumineers...


Then, another favorite of mine, River, sung and written by Joni Mitchell will describe my plight in her 8th line of lyric...listen closely and enjoy it as well...
With that little bit said about the weather, and much said about my love of song, I wish everyone who reads this a Merry "slightly above normal temps" Christmas and a Happy "waiting until mid month for serious cold and wintry weather" New Year!


AA:  Benign for the next 3-4 weeks.  Let's put it this way, we should be in the parking lot everyday henceforth until the next arctic blast which may, at best, come around Jan 15 or so???  Merry Christmas my friend!  Enjoy those 2nd Amendment kiddos!