Thursday, April 19, 2012

Update on the Weekend Nor'easter

This is a very brief post updating y'all on the status of this impending nor'easter to affect the east coast of the US in the Saturday to Monday time frame.  The prime time for storminess for us here near KMDT is late Saturday night into late Sunday night.  The sensible weather for us will bring windswept rains and a with a few snowflakes thrown in for good measure, especially for those of you who live on the tops of the ridges just to the north of Harrisburg!  This will be a more serious threat, I do believe, and very much similar to the October snowstorm, for those in the mountains of WV, PA, up into the Adirondacks and further on into northern New England.  This could be one for the record books!  Heavy wet snow will accumulate on the new foliage in the areas will snow will fall and downed trees and power lines will be an issue.

Here is the surface map as depicted by the Euro for Monday morning!  Can you say an old fashioned nor'easter!  In theory, places in the blue shading would be seeing some snow, but at this late stage of the season, this will be elevation dependant.

And here is the upper level support for such a storm.  Look at the negatively tilted trough that spins up this 988 mb monster!
So Smitty, what will our weather be?  The sensible wx should essentially be windswept rains for us flat-landers primarily on Sunday as we receive ~1.5-2.0" of liquid sunshine!  And we sure could use this as both our groundwater and the river have been steadily in decline and are well below normal for this time of the year.  Take a look at the Dauphin county Test Well located at the Gap since April 1...

And the Susky at Harrisburg during the same time period...the brownish triangles near the top of the graph indicate normal discharge!  Wow!

In fact, the entire northeast could use the rain as indicated by this regional picture of surface stream is dry or below normal...

Gotta go...but before I leave y'all, how about this for a thought.  Since I am accused for being so extreme all of the time with my weather interests and economic concerns, how about this call for the MLB season?!?  The Phillies will end with a worse record than the Orioles and/or the Mets!  I really believe that the Phillies lineup right now, although it is early, doesn't scare the 5th starter on the lowly San Diego Padres!  And the Orioles are blacked out for me on MLB go figure that one!
Oh well....enjoy your weekend nor'easter!


AA:  Looking more and more like an historic weekend nor'easter will affect the east coast of the US!

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