Friday, February 19, 2016

I Have a Theory

Humor me for just a few paragraphs...and for those of you who want to know just about the sensible weather...just skip down to the AA at the end of this post...but I have a theory, and I would truly like your thoughts in return.  I think the numerical modeling of the atmosphere has become too good!  What I mean is that every little minutia of detail is now incorporated and thus leads to wilds swings in the outcome of the initialization of the input of the atmospheric data.  Personally, I'm a pattern recognition guy...and what happened before will likely happen again.  I'll not bore y'all with the maps, but ALL of the global models have gone from 12"+ snows to 2"+ rains and just a bit in between for the unsettled weather that WILL manifest itself next week.  As for the computer modelers...I have the utmost respect for what they do; essentially build the atmosphere at multiple levels into a binary yes/no equation.  Trust me...I have no desire to venture into that realm coming from a guy whose last comp sci class at PSU involved IBM punch cards and you better be damned sure they were in the correct order...enough said. what's the weather Smitty?

Darn Nice Saturday!  You best enjoy it!  The graphic below supports my position that modeling is detailing too much...note the lower temps along the colder Susq River... pretty darn good for a global model!  But, Sat will be the nicest,  I believe of the next 10!

And here is why I say that...a constant trough into the eastern part of the US for the next several days/weeks...You have a trough that deep with a ridge that maxed in out below...just plain wintry ugliness; rain, sleet, freezing rain, get the pic...UGLY you ain't got no alibi...the 500 mb pattern is UGLY!

I will not show snow maps...but I will show precip maps.  Keep in mind that some will be dendrites, some ice pellets, some liquid sunshine...personally, I like it all!  But Wednesday am will be UGLY across all of PA...and this system is juicy...Again, note the incredible resolution of the enhanced precip over the warmer Bay near Baltimore...can't wait for Os baseball...Let's Go O's!
Once I have a more definitive answer for y'all, I will issue something forthwith.  I do truly appreciate all of your personal comments and am humbled by the fact that you value my opine about this inconceivable system that we try to analyze called the atmosphere and the wx!  Honestly...I liked IBM punch cards.  Times were simpler.  My wife even states so many times that she was born late...I could see us hanging out with the Ingalls near that little house on the prairie...

Time to run...actually sleep so I can "run" at the gym tomorrow.  Running for me consists of lifting fast (deadlifts and squats) and then cardio on the arc's a good endorphin rush!

Enjoy your week's end!  Oh've been on an Eagles kick of late and IV shared with me his "4" favs of the just "Four" him...another Eagles tune to sign of my favs as well!
Enjoy the week's end...I know I will in spite of that pesky wave of cloudiness/spittyness later Sunday; trust me Saturday will be nice!


AA:  Love Sat wx... because it simply gets ugly and uglier once again from that point forward into the medium and longer range!  March looks cold...sorry Z!

1 comment:

  1. 13 hours in a gymnasium yesterday. Saturday the nicest day of winter. Give me Spring.
