Thursday, January 19, 2017

Gratitude IS THE Attitude

In spite of an impending pattern change in the weather finally... (different story for a different day).....I decided to mix it up a bit to simply reflect on things gone by and things to come since 2017 has quickly come upon us.  So here is a quick list of things I am so very GRATEFUL for and genuinely believe that if one focuses on the positives, life is so much more humor me please...

MY DOGS...who couldn't like (love...Kay) our dogs (or your own dogs/cats/pets) other than those folks like my brother who has a pet dander allergy and somehow just has a somewhat slightly different way when communicating with whatever pet lives here...
MY HUMBLE ABODE complete with hot water....although my son might argue differently as he had to deal with our place during a cold week in January!  If Yokes had it his way, Kyle...your hot water needs will ALWAYS be met with mister "tankless and crank it"!   It's very nice to look out the window and see things like this....

MY FAMILY:...past and present.  A day doesn't go by when I think of and deeply thank both my parents, Kay's parents and other adults too numerous too mention who have mentored me in this life...this day was a spite of the rainout that later followed!
MY CURRENT CO-WORKERS:...that's why I go to work as often as I do...Saints and Sinners alike...we are trying to fight the good fight!  Keep on keeping get the pic!  The dude below y'all might not know....but one incredible individual who to this day ranks in my top 10 of honor and valor!  And...oh by the hell of a teacher!
MY FORMER COWORKERS:...they are the ones who trained me to be the person I am today...much to the dismay of today's progressive liberal educators who simply have a slightly different take on the profession at this point...I'm not sure if I have any pics of those to whom I reference (prior to iPhone...etc...)....see above!  EDIT:  Now see below...too...

PLANET FITNESS:...Kay says I should know just about everyone now who attends regularly by his/her first name!  She says I talk with people more than I work...but that's why I go to the gym!  We are all human beings; in need of both physical, spiritual, and social activity.  Hell, what do I care if you can deadlift 200 lbs more than me...I'm just happy I'm not dead and I can lift and I let people know it...dancing and grooving to my sometimes endorphin driven workout!  It's all good and FUN!  (even at 5 am!)...No pics from the gym...

MLB:  Let's Go Os!...its fun to getaway!  I love MLB.  Even with April/May baseball when it can still be pretty raw in Baltimore!  My wife IS a saint...and anyone who truly knows me...knows that is true!

DR RYAN MAUE:  I'd be lost without his graphics!  This man is a true talent and a blessing to those who love meteorology...just saying...this is the potential for next week...I'm not yet buying it, but his graphics say otherwise...and those of you reading this...well...your hearts might be beating as well...

MY SUBARU:  145,000 miles on my 2011 figure that one out!  I'm going to try to get to the moon..........and back!  Love my Legacy sedan!

MUSIC:  You see it everytime I post...I absolutely love music...can't help it!  It get's the groove on...damn sure better than rain!

DREAMS:  In a few short years, Kay and I will be taking this the grace of God!

OK...enough for this evening...I thank everyone who reads...and better yet...comments back!  Sorry it's not the big snowstorm prediction many of you are awaiting but February is just around the corner!...but I am still's not too late!  February CAN BE a stormy month...


AA:  Watching for a nasty storm next week, but believe it's a rainer for us....windy, wet, raw...What Conrad describes as our typical winter in these parts!