Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sensational Sunrise

Since I TOTALLY and COMPLETELY missed my last prognostication of a late winter/early spring snowfall, I am treading lightly going forward...NOT!  The only satisfaction from the last blown forecast is a push with Mr. RSC...KMDT is still hanging tough with 37.9" snowfall for the year!  I'd rather win or lose; not kiss my sister...no offense Nanc!  We will still get together for a few quaffs and laughs Mr RSC!  Who knows, there have been a few surprises in April in these parts, but I only see cold, not cold and stormy...?
But as for the title of this post, for those of you who venture out for Easter Sunday sunrise services...(1 minute prior to 7:00 am at KMDT this Easter Sunday am), skies should be clear, winds calm, a waning gibbous setting towards the WSW, and temps in the mid 30s.  A dome of high pressure will be asserting its force over our region this glorious early spring weekend!  Take a look...as per the Euro...
Sunrise mins will be in the lower 30s; here's the Euro's take on mins Sunday am...the global models tend to keep local minimums slightly warmer than what is observed...dress warmly in other words...ice likely on the bird baths...(I think you get the picture).
After Easter Sunday, a glorious day regardless of the wx, temps will be close to normal until they tank for a couple of days the first few days of April.  The Euro has a deep trough and all of the teleconnections support this cold shot...but as it has been all winter, it will be short lived!  That is ONE DEEP TROUGH coming through on April Fool's Day, but should lift out by the early part of the following week...

Many of you will like to see what the Climate Forecast System (v2) has for the month of April.  Here is a culmination of the last 10 days' runs of the model in terms of temps for the CONUS...that is in spite a few quite cold days to start the month in these parts...
OK...off to paint Easter eggs...not!  Actually, I like the chocolate that gets tossed about on Easter.  For those of you who actually care, no less than 85% cacao for me; the darker the better.  I've over the years acquired a taste for 100% raw cacao beans and cacao nibs.  Very dark chocolate with some type of nut butter (I prefer almond or cashew or even sunflower; Kay loves peanut butter!) or a few nibs with the whole raw nuts works as well...but this cartoon always gets me this time of year.
OK...gotta go.  I will leave you with this ditty...one of my favorites for this Holy Week.  By the way, I watched The Passion of the Christ earlier this week on Netflix; that is one brutal film.  Viewer Discretion advised...
Enjoy your Easter weekend!


AA:  Typical early spring weekend other than it is Easter!  The 1st Sunday (the 27th) after the first full moon (the 23rd, tonight) after the Vernal Equinox (the 20th at 12:30 am, last Sunday).  You have The First Council of Nicaea AD 325 as well as Pope Gregory the XIII to thank for all of that...

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